
General terms and conditions float stuttgart for booking and use of services

§ 1 Validity of the General Terms and Conditions

1. float stuttgart is operated by Yvonne Wurster, sole proprietorship, Stresemannstraße 5, 70192 Stuttgart (hereinafter referred to as "provider"). The use, presentation of the services and their booking are based on the following "General Terms and Conditions".

2. In addition, special provisions may apply when booking certain services ("Special Provisions": e.g. information for customers). This will be indicated accordingly.

§ 2 The Services

1. The services consist of applications in saltwater relaxation pools (floating pools) as well as therapeutic massages and body therapies. To carry out services for massages and body therapies, float stuttgart sometimes uses various subcontractors (hereinafter "partners").

2. Booking a service represents a binding acceptance of the provider's offer, which float stuttgart confirms with a booking date and time. The booking confirmation can be made in writing, verbally, by telephone or by email.

All services (floating, therapeutic massages and body therapies) are carried out by the provider in his own name and on his own account.

3. If a service cannot be provided on the booked date due to the fault of the provider, he is entitled to offer an alternative date. The provider is not responsible for the reimbursement of so-called follow-up costs (e.g. for travel and accommodation bookings, etc.).

4. The times given for the duration of the massage are application times including preparation and follow-up. The time given for the duration of the floating experience is the pure application time.

5. There is no right to parallel applications.

§ 3 float vouchers

1. Eligibility for the service can be documented, among other things, by a float voucher. The voucher is accepted by both the provider and its partners and can be redeemed with them. The service can only be redeemed and carried out in the premises of the provider or its system partner.

2. The voucher can be redeemed within the statutory limitation period of 3 years. The period begins at the end of the year in which it was purchased. After this period, the voucher can be extended with the consent of the issuer. Price increases for services have no effect on vouchers already purchased. If a service for which a voucher was purchased is no longer included in the float offer, the customer has the right to exchange the voucher for another service. It is not possible to pay out the monetary value of the float voucher.

3. The float voucher is not personal and can be transferred to other people. However, resale of the vouchers is not permitted.

4. To redeem the voucher and receive the service, the voucher must be brought and handed in at the agreed time. Otherwise, the service cannot be provided based on the voucher.

5. Each voucher can be exchanged for a voucher for a different experience (floating, various types of massage), provided that the value of the voucher to be exchanged is sufficient for the desired service at the current valid value or an appropriate additional payment is made. The valid prices at the time of exchange are binding for the value of the voucher and the desired service. Such an exchange is only possible in the same float center in which the voucher was purchased.

6. If the service the customer has chosen is cheaper than the original service, the float center where the exchange takes place will issue a credit note that can be used to purchase another service. A payment of the difference is excluded, as is the payment of the monetary value of the float voucher.

7. Vouchers for services can be purchased at the provider's premises or ordered by telephone, fax, email or internet. The voucher will be sent by regular mail to the address provided by the buyer together with an invoice after the order has been received. Any shipping costs incurred are borne by the buyer. As soon as the full invoice amount has been credited to the provider's account, the voucher will be activated for use and can be redeemed. As long as no booking has been received, the provider is not obliged to provide the service. For orders via the internet at the page The general terms and conditions for the purchase of vouchers, which can be accessed on the Internet, apply.

8. The provider assumes no liability for loss, theft or misuse of vouchers.

§ 4 Prices

All prices are end consumer prices in euros including the applicable sales tax. The prices in the price list valid at the time of the order apply. The purchase price is due immediately.

§ 5 Changes to the service

1. The content and description (scope of services) of the services can be found in the float brochures or on the website. However, the content of the service may be subject to minor changes. The customer is not entitled to compensation. The exact description of the respective service can be requested from the provider by telephone.

2. If a service for which a voucher was purchased is no longer included in the float offer, the customer has the right to exchange the voucher for another service. The monetary value of the float voucher cannot be paid out.

§ 6 Availability, delay, non-appearance, failure of services

1. If the booked service cannot be provided on the agreed date due to the fault of the provider, the provider is entitled to offer an alternative date. If the customer does not arrive on time for the agreed date (late), the provider is entitled to reduce the service time accordingly. A reduction in the booking price is not possible in this case, even if the service was only provided for a reduced time. If the customer does not arrive at the agreed date at all or does not cancel the appointment 24 hours before the start of the appointment, the provider reserves the right to claim damages or to allow the voucher to expire if the appointment cannot be given to someone else. In this case, the customer is permitted to provide evidence at any time that the provider has suffered no or only minor damage.

2. Participation in the services depends in part on their availability. The floating service can generally be booked outside of office opening hours after individual agreement with the provider. Various massage services can only be booked if the corresponding service provider (masseur) is available. The participant in a service has no right to have the service carried out by a specific partner at any time. The availability of the various massage services can only be enquired by the participant by telephone on 0711/28 44 43 70.

3. If the participation of a specific person is part of the description of a service (certain types of massage) and this person is not available on the day of participation in the service, float stuttgart is entitled to provide an equivalent replacement for the performance of the service.

§ 7 Liability for defects / compensation

1. When using the “Floating” service (salt water relaxation pool), the customer agrees to accept the terms of use and the general terms and conditions of the provider (“Information sheet for the first floating session”) and to confirm their knowledge and acceptance by signing. Participation in the “Floating” service is not possible without accepting the terms of use.

2. The provider is liable for defects in the service in accordance with the statutory provisions. The partners (masseurs) are not authorized to accept claims on behalf of the provider. The provider does not provide any guarantees in the legal sense.

3. The customer's claims for damages are excluded. Excluded from this are claims for damages by the customer resulting from injury to life, body or health or from the violation of essential contractual obligations (cardinal obligations) as well as liability for other damages that are based on an intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty by the provider, its legal representatives or vicarious agents. Essential contractual obligations are those whose fulfillment is necessary to achieve the purpose of the contract.

4. In the event of a breach of essential contractual obligations, float stuttgart shall only be liable for the damage that is typical for the contract and foreseeable if this was caused by simple negligence, unless the customer has claims for damages resulting from injury to life, body or health.

5. The restrictions in paragraphs 3 and 4 also apply to the benefit of the legal representatives and vicarious agents of the provider if claims are asserted directly against them.

6. The provisions of the Product Liability Act remain unaffected.

§ 8 Severability Clause

Should any provisions of these General Terms and Conditions be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. Rather, in place of any invalid provision, a replacement provision shall apply that corresponds to the purpose of the agreement or at least comes close to it, as the parties would have agreed to achieve the same economic result if they had known of the invalidity of the provision. The same applies to gaps.

As of September 2014